Memory Capacity Planning

The size of the application and data being processed determine the memory requirement. The Available Bytes counter can serve as a guide to the size of the unused portion of memory. There should be allowance of 10% for memory freespace. The availability of sufficient memory prevents the server from accessing the disk frequently and enhances the performance with less work on the server. If users request information that is stored in memory, that information can be retrieved directly from memory rather than accessing the disk. The memory requirements are calculated by adding:

- Operating system and Application server memory usage: Base process load on the server due to Operating system, application software components and the external system connections. This also increases with multiple connections.

- Dynamic connections: Dynamic connection setup requires extra memory compared to preconfigured connections. The ratio of preconfigured connections to the dynamic connections also is an input for the memory requirement.

- Application server and Operating system caching: The server file caching and the Operating system caching also are inputs. These values are set by the Administrator.

Once the memory requirement is determined, this should be considered an absolute lower limit beyond which the server will fail, to which contingency is added.

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